Indian Institute of Public Administration
The genesis of Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) can be traced to a survey of public administration in the country, conducted in 1953 at the invitation of the Government of India, by Paul H. Appleby, Consultant, Ford Foundation, Accepting the recommendations made by Appleby, Government of India established the Indian Institute of Public Administration in 1954 as an autonomous body under the Societies Registration Act.
IIPA was formally inaugurated by the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and he served as the first President of the Society, from March, 1954 till his demise in May, 1964. As President he guided and helped the IIPA to develop as a centre of excellence in training, research, consultancy and case studies.
Currently, the Vice-President of India is the President of the Institute.

Karnataka Regional Branch
Three years after the establishment of the IIPA, New Delhi in 1954, the Mysore Local Branch of the IIPA was formed in Bangalore in April 1957. It was inaugurated by the Chief Minister of the then State of Mysore, Sri. S. Nijalingappa. It was converted into a Regional Branch in July 1957.
The Karnataka Regional Branch of the Indian Institute of Public Administration was established on 13th April, 1957. The principal objective of the Branch is to promote discussion and research on public administration through lectures, symposia, seminars, workshops, conferences and the like, and publish their proceedings.
Until 1990, the Presidents and Chairmen of Regional Branches, including the Karnataka Regional Branch, were, in their ex-officio capacity, the Chief Minister and the Chief Secretary of the State respectively. Their association with IIPA in the formative years was essential for the purpose of giving a fillip to the activities of the Branches and for enrolling members of the IIPA.
The first Chairman of the Mysore (now Karnataka) Regional Branch was the then Chief Secretary of the Mysore State, Sri. P.V.R. Rao, ICS.
Till 1990, the Chief Secretaries of the Government of Karnataka were Chairpersons of the Branch in an ex-officio capacity. Particular mention may be made of the services rendered to the Branch by late Sri. T. R. Satish Chandran, IAS (Retd.) who served as Chairman of the IIPA-KRB from 1984 to 1987.
Shri. S. Ramanathan, IAS (Retd) has had a long association spanning more than two decades with IIPA, New Delhi. He also had the unique privilege of serving as the Director of the IIPA, New Delhi during 1986-88. In 1990, he was elected Chairman of the Karnataka Regional Branch, and had the pleasure and privilege of leading the organization, uninterruptedly for nearly 32 years.
Shri. S. Ramanathan has written two books viz.
(i) Airport Management and
(ii) Landmarks in Karnataka Administration.
Shri. S. Ramanathan is a nonagenarian. He was honoured with a citation on the commencement of his 91st year, as a man with “impeccable credentials in the civil service as leader, motivator, path-finder and trend-setter; as a builder of institutions; as a model citizen; and, above all, as an extra-ordinary human being endowed with rare qualities of head and heart”.
The Branch is indeed privileged and blessed to enjoy the continuing guidance of Shri. S. Ramanathan as Chairman Emeritus.

Shri. S. Ramanathan, IAS (Retd)
In June 2007, the then Chief Secretary of Karnataka, Sri. P. B. Mahishi, sanctioned rent-free accommodation measuring nearly 1,000 sq. ft. to the Branch in M. S. Building,Stage 5, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore. Since then, the Branch has been able to extend its activities and function more effectively.
To commemorate the Golden Jubilee of our Branch in 2007, a publication titled ‘History of Karnataka Regional Branch 1957-2011’ was released by Shri. T. N. Chaturvedi, former Governor of Karnataka and Chairman, IIPA, New Delhi in the presence of His Excellency, the Governor of Karnataka Shri. H. R. Bharadwaj and Justice Shri. N. Santosh Hegde, former Karnataka Lokayukta, at a function held on 17th December 2011.
The award for “Best Performing Branch’ was conferred on the Karnataka Regional Branch by the IIPA, New Delhi at the Annual General Meeting in New Delhi in October 2022.

Sri. P. B. Mahishi

T.M. Vijay Bhaskar
- Shri T. M. Vijay Bhaskar is from Bengaluru, and is a Masters in Economics from the Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India and an MBA in Public Sector from University of Birmingham, UK.
- He joined the Indian Administrative Service in Karnataka cadre in 1983 and served for 37 years in various capacities in the Government of Karnataka and the Government of India.
- In these 37 years, he worked in various capacities in district administration, education administration, rural development and coordination in posts in Government of India and in Government of Karnataka.
- He retired in December, 2020 after 2 ½ years of service as Chief Secretary to the Government of Karnataka; the senior-most official in the State administration and responsible for coordination and overseeing all the departments of the State government.
- Shri T.M. Vijay Bhaskar servedas Chairperson of the Karnataka Administrative Reforms Commission-2 from January, 2021 to December 2023. The Commission submitted seven reports to the Government of Karnataka.
- He is the current Chairman of the Karnataka Regional Branch of the Indian Institute of Public Administration.